Madeley Parish Council are responsible for the maintenance of the following community assets:
All of the assets below are regularly maintained and inspected, and also are insured for Public Liability and theft/vandalism/damage. If you are aware of any issues please notify the Clerk as soon as possible.
The Parish Council also leases Allotment land from Newcastle Borough Council for the site at Park Road, and sub leases it to the Park Road Allotment Association. Additional allotment land is also in the process of being leased from the Borough Council, and will be subleased to the Acres Allotment Association. More information on these plots can be obtained on the Allotment page.
As time goes on, more and more community assets will be acquired and managed for the benefit of the Madeley Parish.

3 benches
(at various locations)

2 Noticeboards
(by Library and by Park Site shops)

Radar Device
(in use by Madeley Speedwatch)

5 Bus Shelters
(located at Scot Hay Road, Stonewall Place, Madeley Road (x 2) and Bath Road at Park Site)

Former Madeley Colliery Pit Wheel
Located at Madeley Country Park entrance